Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Beginning Somewhere

This blog has been something I've been putting off for so long...I wanted it to be perfect with every detail and resource ready. I have so much I want to share, but I've been learning in this creative journey that everything takes time, practice, patience, nourishment and allowance for good old fashioned growth.

Nothing that is really important and valuable gets done quickly. Time for development and acquiring experience is all part of the learning process.

I've decided to finally start this blog right where I am. Why? Because I can imagine that there are lots of other people right where I am...hesitant to begin for so many valid reasons, but at the end of the day, they just come down to being excuses for not seeing their talent begin to take shape.

Both my writing and art form deal with themes around word association. I enjoy writing prose with much use of metaphors and favor assemblage because of my love of symbolism. My art usually leads me to writing my deep thoughts and convictions. Many times the thoughts are a reflection of my state in the creative journey. Other times, it is a connection I've made with the Lord Jesus Christ relating to guidance I believe He's given me on the road to publication.

The idea of the Fresh Word part of the blog is to both share my findings as a writer/artist, as well as how my walk with the Lord Jesus has impacted my work, blessed me, given me success, hope, greater understanding and guidance throughout my creative journey as I'm experiencing it.

Many times we give ourselves exclusive credit for all of our success and abilities in the writing process. But I believe that I couldn't do a single thing without His grace, His understanding leading and guiding my decisions, my trusting Him when I'm not sure what to do  and His presence letting me know I'm in His will and I'm not alone.

I hope that you are not only successful with the resources, insight and learning opportunities I share with you in this blog, but that you are truly blessed and have eternal impact in your life. I believe when all is said and done everything we worked hard to do and have will wither away on this earth, but what we worked on spiritually in our lives through the Fresh Word of God will last forever and allow His righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit to remain in us no matter what difficulty comes our way.

Welcome to Fresh Word Writer & Artist
Hope You Continue in the Creative Journey with Me and with the Guidance of the Lord